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Deionized Water
Aloe Vera
Royal Standard goods are only made from ingredients that have been sourced for
their purity &  beneficial qualities they offer in providing healthy, clean skin & hair.  

Aloe Vera absorbs into the skin almost four times faster than water – making it an excellent moisturizer and emollient. Its antimicrobial properties kill bacteria and its anti-inflammatory abilities make it a great solution for those with oily skin who may also suffer with acne, without leaving a greasy feel. The rapid stretching in skin causes small tears (commonly called “stretch marks”) that Aloe Vera gel can help heal and prevent.

Most cosmetics are made with tap water... Tap water contains Chlorine & Flouride (and who knows what else).  Royal Standard Goods & Co. only uses ultra filtrated Deionized & Ozonated water to ensure our finished products are of the finest quality minus all the pollutants that are in everyone else's products.  

Witch Hazel is most commonly used for it's antiseptic qualities. When  applied directly to the skin, Witch Hazel has been shown to effecively treat acne, puffy eyes, varicose veins, redness, scaring, itching and to seal moisture into the skin. Witch Hazel works as a skin refresher/toner as it refines pores. Moisturizer- Witch Hazel removes oil from the skin & hair, but it also locks in moisture. It is great in the winter months as an acne treatment as it won’t dry out the skin.

There are many anti-aging benefits when using vegetable glycerine. Its excellent moisturizing properties aid in keeping skin looking young and healthy.  


Retaining moisture is vital for keeping skin in its best condition. It also draws oxygen into the skin, which is beneficial for anti-aging as well. There are many factors that cause dry skin and accelerate aging, and vegetable glycerine is an effective agent against these elements. 


Witch Hazel 
Plant Glycerin  

100% Good Stuff...

Lavender Extract  
Tea Tree Extract
Eucalyptus Extract  
Peppermint Extract 
Chamomile Extract 
Cedarwood Extract  

Lavender is widely well known for its use in aromatherapy, but it is also used in personal care products, and antiseptics, and for the treatment of sunburn and muscle joint pain. It has also been known to aid in relaxation, reduce anxiety, and relieve stress and tension headaches.


As a skin care product, lavender effectively treats acne, wrinkles, psoriasis, and inflammation. It can act as a natural mosquito and moth repellant.  It's therapuedic aroma has soothing effects on those suffering from stress, anxiety and depression.

Tea Tree Extract is best known as a very powerful immune stimulant. It contains the compound Terpinen-4-ol which is thought to be the responsible for fighting all three categories of infectious organisms (bacteria, fungi, and viruses), and there is evidence that Tea Tree massages prior to an operation may help to reduce post-operative shock.  For skin and hair, Tea Tree can be used to combat acne, oily skin, athlete’s foot, lice, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff and hair loss.  

Royal Standard uses pure Eucalyptus extract for it analgesic and anti-bacterial qualities.  Eucalyptus is increasingly being mixed with other medicines for it's antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties as well as being a decongestant.  


Eucalyptus pocesses a very unique scent which many find appealing. Its now being added to perfumes and other products to add a pleasing aroma.  Research indicates it's fragrance has some soothing properties that helps relaxation  and reduces stress.

Extensive research in recent years has only supported the time honored uses of peppermint.  The historical uses and research done on the benefits of it all have come to the conclusion that peppermint is one of the most naturally beneficial plants in the world.


Our 100% pure extract is made up of strong A & C vitamins as well as the healthy mineral supplements of iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, omega 3 fatty acids, calcium and copper.

Chamomile German Nepal is effective as an analgesic, anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antibacterial, carminative, febrifuge, fungicidal, hepatic, nerve sedative, stimulant of leucocyte production, stomachic, sudorific, vermifuge, and as vulnerary agent. This extract is an excellent skincare remedy, providing soothing calming and cleansing benefits useful for burns, blisters, inflamed wounds, dermatitis, eczema, rashes and wounds.

Cedarwood is reputed to calm nervous tension and states of anxiety. It is a very powerful antiseptic, fungicidal and anti-seborrhea (helps with dandruff, hair loss and oily hair). Consumers will also see it in men's toiletries, in products used to combat acne, and in products designed to relieve muscle and joint pain. It is effective in deterring moths and other insects, and will act as a mild astringent.

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